Taro is probably the most hypoallergenic food in the world, so even people with severe allergies will do very well with this flour. The reason? Starch grains are the smallest and easiest to digest complex carbohydrates. Taro is closely related to taro root, which is used to make poi, a cooked paste common in Polynesian countries. Taro root and taro belong to the Arum family, Araceae.
Malanga is also called yautia, cocoyam, eddo, tiquisque, tannia. Malangas are about the size and shape of a normal white potato; They look a bit like an overgrown gladiolus bulb, because the outer skin of the taro is brown and somewhat hairy. There are about 1,530 calories in a pound of taro flour. The composition of taro flour is approximately: 75.5% carbohydrates, 5.1% proteins, 1.6% fats, 9.8% fiber, 1.2% water and 6.8% minerals.
Varieties: White Malanga and Lilac Malanga

Availability: All year round
Degree: hairy brown bulbs, 100 to 250 mm (4 to 10 in) long

Temperature and relative humidity:8 C (47 F), 70-80%, good ventilation
Shelf life in transit and storage:2 months

Product packaging: telescopic vented fiberboard boxes, 16 kg (35 lb). Or 18 kg (40 lbs)
Number of boxes per container: 1,400